Mrs. Taylor's class - #06
by Ron Sweet

Mrs. Taylor's class - #06 grid

1Originally we heat grain (5)
5Starts to throw out your sister's playthings (4)
8Owns part of purchase (3)
10Shad or salmon showing fin on the back, for example (6)
11Talk of small mountain (5)
12Confused sage grows older (4)
13Experienced victory shortly after noon, we hear (3)
15Rocky and Ginger tending flowers (9)
16Audibly deserve vase (3)
18Enos folded dollar bills (4)
20Item of clothing in car in San Francisco (5)
22So tree destroyed music system (6)
23Pay back small dog's yelp (3)
24On a keyboard, enter data sort (4)
25Let Ray stop holding cafeteria platters (5)
1Who initially articulated command to stop a horse? (4)
2Place to park a plane sounds like something in your closet (6)
3Read section containing commercials (3)
4Animated street cop providing level of security (3,6)
5Christmas decoration in middle of street (4)
6Kay returning long-haired ox (3)
7Sang about bit of luck in street talk (5)
9Strict at the back of the boat (5)
13Like a mountain road, or a blustery day (5)
14So new, a yearbook's revealing sign on a narrow street, perhaps (3-3)
15Visitor argues tenaciously inside (5)
17Uncommon, like pink meat (4)
19At first, Susan is polite; she takes small tastes (4)
20Stay, without trace of anger, in pigpen (3)
21In favor of finding out results, primarily (3)
