My puzzles disappeared from the internet in 2017, when the company that hosted my web site went out of business. I would like to thank Michael K. Johnson for bringing my puzzles back on-line in mid-2019.

I owe a special debt of gratitude to Marilyn Castle, who test-solved all of my puzzles before they appeared on this website, catching flaws in the clues and/or grids, and often providing much better clues as replacements. Thank you, Marilyn.

I would also like to thank the following people:

Theresa Gies (aka Theresa Cunningham), for her encouragement to support my own website, and for allowing me to use her web pages as starting templates. Her puzzles (to which she is sadly no longer adding), and an excellent guide to solving, can be found at Theresa’s Cryptic Crosswords.

William I. Johnston, for showing me how to get AcrossLite enabled, and for his repeated assistance with my HTML questions. His puzzles, and links to many more (including mine, for which I am also grateful), can be found at his home page.

Ray Hamel, for including Kegler’s Kryptics in the Monthly Puzzles section of his incredibly extensive list of crossword puzzles, thereby enabling more solvers to find me.

Antony Lewis, without whose wonderful Crossword Compiler program I would not be a constructor. It’s a great program, and Antony has provided excellent support. He has also been very responsive to suggested new features and/or improvements in existing features. And it is his built-in Java features that make the interactive solving of my bar-style puzzles possible.

And ultimately, Emily Cox and Henry Rathvon, aka Hex, whose cryptic crosswords in Dell Magazines and The Atlantic Monthly are what got me hooked on cryptics in the first place (a debt that can never be repaid), and whose hosting of the Cryptic Clue Workshop enabled me to improve the quality of my own puzzles.