Cryptic Crossword #1
by Kegler

rss0112 grid

1“Eternal Flame” is one group in trouble? (5,5)
6During exam I diagrammed viscera (4)
9Meeting demanded by Karpov; is it at 10? No (10)
10Be aware of nerd's flip-flop (4)
12Take in brother's degree upon return (6)
13Entertains crowds (5)
16Vision in mirror half-appears to grow older (6)
17Traveler's stray mistake heard (8)
19Male done mixing drink (8)
21You finally beat Iowa; it's a perfect world (6)
24Focuses in on menageries caging mammals, primarily (5)
25Crushed ice per instruction list (6)
28Brad, get it perfect (4)
29Healthy, competent boy nearly died (4-6)
30Attorney getting a model's number (4)
31Without a method, stupidly, extremists check fewer (10)
1Lay asphalt on quiet street (4)
2Desire bawdy slut (4)
3Carrier's gotta be upset (4,3)
4Initial meetings disappoint Rosemary internally (6)
5Home Office believes attractive couples make noise (8)
7Excitedly print Camus document (10)
8Obfuscated words meant “towards the mouth” (10)
11Heartless leader's cook (4)
14Adorned dash, running inside white stripe, starting to dim (10)
15M's Rob Titon pitching slider? (10)
18Charmingly celebrating Labor Day (8)
20Cyrano's extraordinary feature! (4)
22Bar shows low returns after first of the month (7)
23Stress cooler penny (6)
26Seedy bar's sharp decline (4)
27Stirs, spilling soda (4)
