1 | Ted comes back wearing fur, all set (10) |
7 | Initially, fundamentals of calculus intrigue mathematical set (4) |
9 | Purloined set heartless Leon redistributed (6) |
10 | Surprisingly ring mother in England after the first game involving sets (3,5) |
11 | Set off for foreign range (5) |
12 | Deemed crazy about bachelor, first of debutantes set in (8) |
13 | Pet doctor doesn't have an agent that sets the pace (8) |
14 | Reportedly disparage groove set in an arrow (4) |
16 | Line in cooking vessel's set of instructions (4) |
17 | Chapter's heading typed in, set equidistant from the margins (8) |
20 | Hop as bat flies around bar set in the shower (4,4) |
22 | Set of mature women excluded (5) |
24 | Post office is not upset about one set (8) |
25 | Certain baseball players receiving last of set warnings (6) |
26 | Jet set behind quiet demand for attention (4) |
27 | Set cool client dancing (10) |