Having It Both Ways
by Kegler

Mouse over here for a hint explaining this puzzle's gimmick. Each intersection holds two letters, read A-B in one direction and B-A in the other.

Having It Both Ways grid

1Council members left Red back inside; so be it (8)
4Reverse side has one of the changes (5)
6Very light around this spot and others (8)
9Western Hemisphere antelope spun around, reportedly (3,5)
10Crude oil in car is unexpectedly incongruous (8)
11Heard oration filled with passion (5)
12Study describes soldier returning with stoop (5)
13Heartlessly ruled and brought under control (6)
15Brief description of one walking backwards (5)
17Letters in piles set haphazardly (8)
19Ultimately schlep recycled metal to plant (8)
20Number of crewmen having okay vision (8)
21Drain off the lowest point (5)
23Starting to like Abe Lincoln's first name (5)
24Lovers, traveling empty road, finally decided (8)
25Sighs for pair of sublime peaks (8)
26Fix a large amount with one kind of pasta (8)
28Recording intro to Nirvana's “Evil Spirit” (5)
30Bachelor, one from Stockholm, returns and waters the grass? (6)
32Picture one crazy game (5)
34Get used to backing up computer unit's components (5)
35Couple of comments by middle-of-the-road humorist (8)
37All to get distressed, where money goes out the window? (8)
39One crying quietly left a little rum and Sprite, and five-dollar bills (8)
40Shrubbery literally conceals rock (5)
41Supporters of autocratic rule finally put wraps around saint (8)
1Final outcome accepted by tennis champ in pale purple (8)
2Somewhat unsure, so we'll broadcast again (5)
3Made fun of requirement and ran (7)
4Almost entirely behind supporting Navy's first good gun (9)
5Tarnish classroom figure involved in wrongdoing (5)
6Tales about Edison's contemporary (5)
7Wagon in stern, most of the way back, withdraws (8)
8Beginning to look over debut of exciting sport (8)
14Set Mel's been rearranging (8)
16Pointed stick seen in Nepal is a decoration (8)
17Posh pad, without ex, cost about a grand (9)
18Reverend Spooner's ceramicist family's form of attachment? (6,3)
19Shock Papa badly with bit of lewdness (5)
20Finally gray and mellow on the inside, we'd exhibited signs of aging (8)
21One cord around engine housing? Just the opposite! (8)
22Wash off broken siren (5)
26I operated with Mr. Fleming's group from Tehran (8)
27Diminish, in recession, contribution to staff for EPA tasks (5,3)
29Ostensibly, no supporter has time, briefly (9)
31Small quiz after end of class is most pleasant (8)
33Narcissist's site got crashed (7)
35Color of ring Cher lost (5)
36Star Ned nearly embraced by one coming out (5)
38Egg white's pronounced brightness (5)
