Easy-ish II
by Kegler

Easy-ish II grid

1Keeping a seat warm for cross monarch? (8)
5Truly team up again? (6)
10Reap pleasure holding fruit (5)
11Measuring exotic flowers (9)
12Each retiring bachelor's promise finally cast in stone (7)
13Recover via fantastic miracle (7)
14Virginia allows hoboes (8)
16Sense of location, we hear (5)
19Sing gist of laudatory ode loudly (5)
21President not initially a member of the community (8)
24Hit rump exuberantly in victory (7)
26Excitedly married beau (7)
27Divided quantity of milk before starting to drink (9)
28Put a new value on what secret agent is hiding (5)
29Dorothy's aunt completes changes (6)
30Discard badly set joint (8)
1Small musical instruments making notes one half step higher (6)
2Man spread out what sometimes separates father from son? (9)
3Sounds like one having requirements for masseur (7)
4Dark, scary thing (5)
6They can't reproduce sounds like an operating system (7)
7Actress Dern's starting to like distinctive atmosphere (5)
8See toy I'm breaking in park (8)
9Stops taking money, initially, for pieces of furniture? (8)
15Not from the south, and not the nurse (8)
17Makes teenagers unruly (9)
18Quiets my unusual mysterious air (8)
20Little one wearing hat provided boundaries (7)
22Strange red item showing black mark (7)
23Monster put on wrapping paper (6)
25I'm to get older in picture (5)
26Confuse Garfield, dashing back inside (5)
