Mrs. Taylor's class - Following Directions
by Ron Sweet

After you have completed the clues, put letters in the outside boxes to make new words extending into or out of the grid.
 For example, the first box on the top row will be added to 1 Down; if 1 Down were RIM, you could add B for BRIM,   
G for GRIM, P for PRIM, or T for TRIM.  In most cases, more than one letter will work, but only one choice is correct;
you will know you have the right one if you follow directions.  The new words include one name and one new plural.    

Mrs. Taylor's class - Following Directions grid

1Awkwardly pass poisonous snakes (4)
4Clean up, returning a couple of recipes (4)
8Equipment starts to get encrusted and rusty (4)
11Bring a plane down in country (4)
13No reason, at first, for negative conjunction (3)
15It's ineffectual to conserve (7)
17Tree has fallen (3)
20Start to cut, chop and grind (4)
22Ebbing tide shows change (4)
23Sounds like lots of time possessed by you and me (4)
24Wild pig nearly touches small snakes (4)
1Be sick of ale, we hear (3)
2Keeps Bics? (4)
3Secretary especially enjoys positive response (3)
5Run, breaking vase (3)
6Hearing aids are damaged by bit of static? (4)
7Father, use a button on the remote (5)
9Boy's name from rural Ecuador (4)
10Special shoes; they're used for watering the lawn (5)
12Dad, gripping end of rope, is extremely tired (4)
14Wrinkled coat shows Mexican food (4)
16Chase animal away using peashooter, in part (4)
18That lady is hoping everyone replies, initially (3)
19Alien has no head and no tail; it might be little and white? (3)
21Used to be 30% of Washington (3)
