Mrs. Taylor's class - #20
by Ron Sweet

When the grid is completed, the diagonals will spell out a four-word phrase that describes two things you do in school (both of which can be done at the same time!).

Mrs. Taylor's class - #20 grid

1What you're doing now, in song “About 56”? (7)
8Soil from the East contains new predators (5)
9Iceberg's smooth movement announced (4)
11Location of one of the senses, we hear (4)
12Start to slice fruit with lance (5)
14Rosalind, a daughter, embraces father (3)
16Reportedly had the answer for “bearded antelope” (3)
18Spy's organization seen in commercial (3)
19Let in and confess (5)
20Certain hill dwellers are not taken seriously, at first (4)
23New York baseball players returning for flower holder (4)
24Half of shallows surrounding old sandbar (5)
25Quickly chant lyrics in an offhand way (7)
1Cut small hair on the eyelid (5)
2Pal is into strange artist's supplies (9)
3Poll others holding piece of real estate (3)
4Belief system is initially mystifying (3)
5Soar without power from leg I'd broken (5)
6Albino cat running around in certain gardens (9)
7Require one editor's feature (4)
10Gets mad shifting gears (5)
11Prepare for class with dusty novel (5)
13Nurse with first of animal's genetic code initials (3)
15Tardier and unusually alert (5)
17That thing lay awkwardly in Europe's “boot” (5)
18Francesca's aunt keeps a house in Mexico (4)
21Pa's slithering snake (3)
22Post office finally delivered vegetable container (3)
