Mrs. Taylor's class - #18
by Ron Sweet

Mrs. Taylor's class - #18 grid

1Lumbering big turtle is one making a mess (9)
7Choo-choo carries eight in Mexico (4)
9County expo is so-so (4)
10Elaborately log in with specialized language (5)
11We hear big female cat in river in Mesopotamia (6)
13Reveal every other snaky fish (3)
14Enclose hen with a couple of mice (3,2)
17Rush to operate (3)
19Half of disciplining is making rules? (6)
20One net trapping head of lobster in bay (5)
22Places to stay in north and south (4)
23Unruly cast behaves (4)
24Announcement disturbed ten AM test (9)
1Lies about playful mammal in games of chance (9)
2Piece of chicken starting to thaw way above sea level (5)
3Little piggy finally put into cage (3)
4Endlessly praising fruit (6)
5Provide encouragement within your generation (4)
6Get igloos rebuilt for scientist who studies rocks (9)
8California Highway Patrol maintains one part of a computer (4)
10Traveling across Brazil, I'm itching to put a cap on (5)
12Give in, and loaned again? (6)
15BreeAnne finally embraced by nice relative (5)
16Weave yarn with first of needles in tool set (4)
18One piece of ammunition (4)
21Crazy to return for source of hydroelectric power (3)
