Mrs. Taylor's class - #14
by Ron Sweet

Mrs. Taylor's class - #14 grid

1Los Angeles exam is the most recent (6)
4Starts to wonder about restaurants making unhappy patrons prepare leftovers (4,2)
8One who records tenor differently (5)
9Improperly trains a craftsman (7)
10City in Florida, or country organization, at first (7)
11Sticker put on a shoe backwards (5)
12Strange insect is friendliest (6)
14Risk I'll start showing talents (6)
18It returns wager in mountainous country (5)
20Turns around to stare rudely (7)
22Desiring building extension with one tier, originally (7)
23Animal's having a sore throat, from the sound of it (5)
24Lara almost swallows the soap suds (6)
25Mean to gain ten dollars inside (6)
1Sounds like joinin' a President (7)
2Young child with a large sum (5)
3Gets smaller, quiet places to skate (7)
5Cadet badly behaved (5)
6Surprisingly, Lucas, I'm making a kind of movie (7)
7Glass in a window, and bit of luxurious wood on a wall (5)
9A male turkey is a very tiny thing (4)
13Taxi I catch for the President's advisors (7)
15Ken has desire for room with a refrigerator, perhaps (7)
16Temporarily remove from school, and pay money to take us in (7)
17Pull down piece of worn-out cloth (4)
18Owlet flying in dryer? (5)
19I went crazy for rope (5)
21Number of holes, initially, in tree (5)
