Mrs. Taylor's class - #13
by Ron Sweet

Mrs. Taylor's class - #13 grid

1Reforming cheat is what Mrs. Taylor does (5)
4Walk back and forth, starting to play high card (4)
8It moves you up in a department store, surprisingly, or a castle (9)
9Solid preparation for a quiz around end of semester (6)
11Member of a well-known quintet in state, perhaps? (5)
13Apply second half of excuse (3)
15Hen with large egg, initially, is the focus of Paris (5)
17Boxer seen in arena lights (3)
18The one run belonging to them (5)
20Meet at toolshed carrying sample of needlepoint? (6)
22Traveling to Saturn, a NASA employee (9)
23Expression used to stop a horse sounds like trouble (4)
24Rest as helper conceals secret hiding place (5)
1Exam set back on Tuesday (4)
2Found his tables ruined (9)
3Starts to chase after red automobile (3)
4How a sailor says “yes” in gym class for the one to whom a check is written (5)
5Telephone company and United Nations finally able to reach an agreement (6)
6Aware of prisoner's one hundred promises to pay (9)
7Made a mistake on TV, to the audience (5)
10Finally ended bizarre tale at river's mouth (5)
12Pair of shoguns into Japanese religion (6)
14Parrot made half the sound a crow makes (5)
16One with a bit part in a movie boarding next railcar (5)
19Thor bothered old Van Halen singer (4)
21From tent, removed last of the high explosive (3)
