Mrs. Taylor's class - #12
by Ron Sweet

Mrs. Taylor's class - #12 grid

1Do plan roaming around European country (6)
4Commerical about leader of Big Sur is ridiculous (6)
8Keep last icicle holding recyclable material (7)
10We hear I present a musical number: “Cake Topping” (5)
11Queue at back of theater for “Titanic”, perhaps (5)
12Mother, fishing at last, nets things that are very attractive? (7)
13Five old large kayaks; they blow their tops? (9)
17Fancier clue, Sis, for temperature scale (7)
19A smaller number (half) feel we finally waver (5)
21Broken maces' tops (5)
22Planted a garden with trace of consideration for what the South did (7)
23Rebuilding aeries is not as difficult (6)
24At last, redo stove color (6)
1They're in the eyes of students (6)
2At first, leaving early attracts ridicule; not what you come to school to do (5)
3Going back inside hotel, a rut; anyway, it's not man-made (7)
5Deliver black telephone (5)
6Ruin set badly for joiners (7)
7Make a hole on E Street, understand? (6)
9Arrives carrying free ticket and devices with needles (9)
13Quantities of books (7)
14Policeman not on hockey surface at start of riot (7)
15Hurt one's knee, perhaps, from wild capers (6)
16Crossing game (6)
18Magazine edition is a problem (5)
20Enlarge with one room (5)
