Mrs. Taylor's class - #09
by Ron Sweet

Mrs. Taylor's class - #09 grid

1Crazy dream I respect (6)
7Tabby's complaint, following me: “That hurts!” (4)
9Historically significant period in literature (3)
11Very warm pair of elephants in roomy place? (5)
12Please talk about terrible fits (7)
14Price paid by you, finally, and me for Halloween outfit (7)
15Developer has run off to get married (5)
17Starts to replace unusual ground floor covering (3)
18Way to control a horse drops from the sky, we hear (4)
19Understands, reacting initially in expressions of amazement (6)
2We'd turned around for water in the morning (3)
3Tom returning to expression of a guiding principle (5)
4Kangaroo's territory surrounds natural alarm clock? (7)
5Hunted animals keep their large, bushy tails (4)
6Wager about everything for dance (6)
8Quietly talk inside; review his performance (7)
10Rhesus monkeys with theater employees (6)
13Every second of Guam news shows anger (5)
14Baby bear grabbing piece of little black clover? (4)
16Hint: put money on the table (3)
