Mrs. Taylor's class - #02
by Ron Sweet

Taylor's class - #02 grid

1Place to get a mudbath in European country (5)
4Heals broken dog restraint (5)
7Bring torn red veil (7)
8Eskimo mailman hugs Dad's partner (3)
9Spin backwards for small bites (4)
11Unusually remote fireball in outer space (6)
13Maybe Mrs. Taylor's seventh sentence-ender? (6)
14With a knife, poke flying bats (4)
17Run into male sheep (3)
18Abandons dry, sandy areas (7)
20She'd get inside fence made of shrubbery (5)
21Crazy tunas' female relatives (5)
1Dean's wrecked car (5)
2Everything's shallow at heart (3)
3The lady who calls back is a star? (4)
4Upset glarer is bigger (6)
5Part of a chair is smarter, surprisingly (7)
6Sing along without words, or it makes you laugh (5)
10Mr., I'd pay absurdly; where's my mummy? (7)
12One old twisted piece of pasta (6)
13Sit and fish (5)
15Breaks statues of heads (5)
16Was I actually hiding the largest continent? (4)
19Our university keeps score in baseball (3)
