Mistakes Were Made
by Kegler

The completed grid reveals thirteen “incorrect” answers.  The unclued gray entries, read from top to bottom, spell out a four-word phrase that describes what happened.

Mistakes Were Made grid

5Friendly crackpot, so help a bit
9Fold note in attaché
10Blue novel set in post office: Small Towns
12Monster forgeries taking only seconds
13Pristine, unbounded meadow
14Slaver magnate from the East carrying ring
16From Sweden, a chocolate chip
20Very unusual, extremely long, and foxy
21Tiles lashed with fiber
22Mountain bridges get narrow
23Initially, Avignon is the French passageway
24Aristocratic female looks over couple of estates
31Ran into wild deer like a taxicab, perhaps
34Polo stuff returned with ball
35Seasoning that woman's piece of beef
37Around second of October, start to investigate TV manufacturer
39Is Los Angeles an island in Mexico?
41Singer is red after wrong note
42Units of heat, except for hot conditions
44It's used to feed loud stranger
45Ragged end of nylon scrap faces the wrong way
46Actor Connery holds bouncing boy and plant
47Parcel largely has room at the bottom
48Bear the cost for each delay, we hear, for desk accessory
1Being featured in films in a group making a comeback
2Red machines producing items for sale
3Circles around borders of Senegal's capital city
4Requires new seed sown
5Shade covers two dates left in group
6Poet's on top of refined ore
7Clearly superior, Lincoln captures round five
8Laugh out loud at line in lounge
9Wine made from corn, hay and crackers
11Reliable new FDA tests holding answer
15Excuses fights, lacking leadership
17Finally refurbish antiquated grip
18Family members returned pet wrapped in blankets
19According to me, uncapped rate is steep
25Pertaining to an area of small chest muscle, first off
26Millionaires, our celebrities, holding stock
27Stun for a while, reportedly
28Returning along banks, a river hiker's provision
29Joey carries vase and coat of eager traveler
30Bush berries strewn in places where bushes are grown
32Author Gardner sounds like a nobleman
33Cutter's epitaph was reflective
36Bear cub running around by end of the picnic
38At hearing, restrain Prague national
40Street band on a portico
41Supporter framing Russian leader's family picture
43Lover ultimately follows me to French sea
