by Kegler

Five answers change (into non-words) prior to entry, a la 21 Across.

Darn! grid

1Restaurant supervisors marry bigots, per Rev. Spooner
9Thompson cut Rocky’s facial hair
11Top of gym circled by chopper
12Drink is permitted within borders of Chile
15Actress Cruz leaves prison behind in “Bond on the Run”
16Pass up Peter, taking issue ultimately with one pulling the strings
17Endeavor to read novel
19Six score, essentially
21See instructions
23Rehash sourest expulsions
25Venerated ones go down south
26Nixon wearing a thin coat
28Make the grade in Utah, sporting trio of citations (2 wds)
30Spanish artist is returning finally to edgy place?
31Trees initially cut short
32Ornamental strip from shirt worn backwards by Paul
33Certain picture-takers came across a bur, surprisingly (2 wds)
1Donor hoped Rush ordered cough medicine (2 wds)
2Recalled isolated organic compound
3Agreements with a corporation’s primary power suppliers
4Stirred frying pan eagerly at first
5Land surrounded by water is rented
6Make black and brown patterned fabric
7One peer sheathes sword
8Was honest with Republican replacing leading Liberal, and celebrated
10Jump with energy and desire
13Witty comment from detective interrupting Marge’s comeback
14Cast story about certain regulators
18A song describing a couple of quirky fish tanks
20Topless Cleo narrated abridged story, ignoring radical Russian novelist (2 wds)
22Useless with some people, so I took over
24Join service facility after college
25Expert’s unsatisfactory toupee rejected
27Descriptor of the empty room
28Ring pursuing spy group’s informal greeting
29Aide’s new concept
