Coastal Cru Confab 2002
by Kegler

The clues for this puzzle appear in the narrative below.  They are in their proper sequence; however,
the narrative punctuation is not usually relevant to the clues.  Answers include one proper noun and
one two-word phrase.

Coastal Cru Confab 2002 grid


From the very beginnings, puzzlers all laughingly associate, put up with bit of heat the 2nd & 3rd of

August for enthusiastic greeting, initially (afterward, departure involves emotionally unsettling

good-bye).  Gathering of people at first resents alcoholic beverage rule.  It ends in a bit,

with leader of grumblers outside.  Surprisingly devoid of interest, start to increase (and not,

upon reflection, decrease?) talk intended to generate enthusiasm.  Set a tone?  Bah, humbug!

Two from Oregon really dislike covered walkway within premises.  To appease one with lots to sell,

true, mountain top has name.  A lady's name, we hear; not a problem.  Out of this world, always

poetic, believer at heart; rendering care, the instructor gave food to man from Washington.


To some degree, one and all in party braved traveling.  Deliberately, maybe, idle rambling told

a story.  Being lost, set off, neurotically gripping money; rub the wrong way after a point.

Unexpected hold up is the strange desire for burgers' ingredients, and the Cru assembling, without

plans, garland.  Hot dogs; exotic water; dessert; a couple of cordials.  I agree, that is Anne

Heche, starting to make a comeback.  Red hair dye?  Foxier!  Lyres playing; enjoy every

other oldie.  Keep out of the wind.  Drink last of lemonade; finally, get menu number of steak

in a seafood restaurant.
